Thought For Today

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mother's Day

Today we are celebrating Mother’s Day.  Annually we get together and honor our wives and mothers on this special day of the year for all the wonderful things they have done. 
My thoughts go back to the many times that my wife Anne has gotten up in the middle of the night to answer calls of distress by our two children.  “Mommy, I am afraid!”  She jumps out of bed and immediately goes to the child calling for her.
 Many times in the morning I have woken up only to find that Anne was not next to me.  Upon entering the children’s room I have seen Anne with her arms wrapped around Abby or Will, both soundly asleep.  When she comes home that day from teaching, I can see that she is very tired from the little rest she had the night before.  Anne has never complained or said, “I wish you were the one taking care of the kids last night!”  All she has told me is how wonderful it was that she had the chance to hold our child and comfort them.  She has shared with me a number of times that there is no greater feeling in the world than in having your child reach out and put their hands on your neck or cheek all the while they were sleeping.   Feeling the closeness of mommy next to them has given our children a sense of security that only mothers can give.  
 I also think at this time of another mother who lived about two thousand years ago.   She watched her son in a cradle and wondered what great blessings God had given to her, in seeing her beautiful son laying before her.  This mother watched her son grow up and become an adult.  As with all moms in the world, she watched him leave her cradling arms and become a man.  What thoughts must have gone through her mind as she saw him speak to thousands of people and giving them the gift of hope, watching him heal the sick, deliver them from demons and feed the poor.   She was a woman of little words, it is said that she treasured many things in her heart.  What gentle compassion she must have given to her son while he grew up.  She was chosen to teach him all the things that he must know as a child and to apply these as an adult.  God used this gentle woman to raise our Savior.  She is honored throughout all time as the mother of our Lord.  

 This same mother watched her son hang from a tree and listened to him as he spoke to her from the cross.  He knew of her anguish and love for him and even while dying such an excruciating death, he thought of his mother during this most wrenching moment.   Mary not only loved her son deeply as mothers do, she worshiped him as her savior.  Her son came to her at this most grievous time and ministered to her to broken heart.  Jesus is still reaching out to mothers and touching their lives today.    

May Jesus bless you moms on this most special day!  Augie

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