Thought For Today

I am so glad that you have found this site and I hope you will find encouragement and joy as you read through my thoughts on God, family and life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I have finished my book, "Only Time Will Tell."

 I have finally finished my book.  "Only Time Will Tell"  I have been very busy completing this work over the last few months and I am happy to say that it is done and I am very proud of it.

     I have found that in writing this work of literature, it has been a wonderful experience, and at times, very challenging.  I am proud of my family in patiently waiting for me to finish Only Time Will Tell.  Anne has offered much needed advice, as well doing the editing.   Abby and Will, on the other hand, have been very patient with me to finish so I can do more important things with them.  Finally, Stephen Porter, has produced some very nice drawings for the book, as well as the book's cover, of which I am very thankful and appreciative.

Only Time Will Tell, for the most part, takes place in two separate settings, England during the reign of Queen Victoria and that of World War II.  The world is about to go through some very challenging times and many questions need to be answered.  Life is about to change for the England and the world, and answers that were once easy to find, now are elusive in these ever changing times.  God becomes a very important part in the lives of the two main characters in this work while searching for these answers.

My book is sold on Amazon Kindle store and is also available to read on iPhones, and iPads, and computers alike.  I believe you will enjoy reading this novel.

Note:  Starting Sunday (August 10-14) for 5 days, my book will be given free as a download.  Enjoy the story!  


Two young men find themselves with the daunting task of changing their futures, and possibly that of the whole world.  Of these two gentlemen, one returned from the ravages of war and wishes to forget the decimations of battle. In the midst of these changes, he finds love.  Can it survive in a world on fire?  The other man is engulfed in the throws of mankind, lustful for scientific advancements. Ultimately, he finds that he must choose between science and humanity.
Both men see the specter of their collective futures and what it holds for the human race: war. Faced with the daunting task of changing history, they must first ask themselves, is it possible to change this destructive course, and if so, will it be for the better? 
They see Europe on fire with blood and decimation. Both know that this is not the end; another far greater cataclysm awaits humanity in the future, beyond this war. 
They learn, that, behind this mask of military conflict, there is a greater evil--an organization that is the source all of this malevolence.  Who and what are they, and can they be stopped before their horrific plan unfolds?  Only time will tell.
