Thought For Today

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Monday, June 29, 2015

Army Humor

General's Jeep displayed at the Winona Car Show during Steamboat Days.
A general's jeep, it was rejuvenated and displayed last week at the Winona Car Show. For those of us that were in the Army, it brings back many memories. I remember on one post that I was on, a Sergeant Major went ahead of the post's general staff car to make sure everyone stopped and saluted the general as he drove by.  
I remember another incident on the same post and that was of a private who bought a shirt full of military campaign ribbons downtown at an Army Surplus Store. His aim was to impress the girls off base. Unfortunately for him a Sergeant Major happened to walk by while both were downtown and he noticed all the private's ribbons on his uniform. He addressed the private and told him that he was quite impressed with all his decorations, especially the Spanish American War ribbon that he was wearing. Needless to say, the young man did not get the chance to impress anyone except a pile of unpeeled potatoes.
My son, Will Thurmer standing in front of the Army Jeep.

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