Thought For Today

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Thursday, February 2, 2012



I recall reading about an event that took place shortly after Teddy Roosevelt finished his term as president.  Teddy was coming back from hunting in Africa.  He was bringing back many animals that he had shot to give to science and our museums.  Teddy wanted the people of the United States to enjoy the fast disappearing species from the wilds of Africa by observing them in our museums.  Teddy was a conservationist and he realized that our world was quickly changing.  He wanted people to realize the beauty of their surroundings and the need to be caretakers of it.  It was a noble cause that he ventured out to do.  As many already know, Teddy Roosevelt was a man who, as president started the National Park system.  He wanted to protect our nature by preserving it here in the United States so that all could enjoy its beauty for generations to come. 

Cousin Eric and Abby enjoying the new snow.
When Teddy was entering New York harbor after his long journey overseas, he was met by a throng of reporters and dignitaries.  The wharf was crowded with many people anxious to see what he was bringing back to America, and to praise him for his service to our country.  But, during the ship’s approach to the harbor, there was a quiet couple that stood at the railing of the same ship Teddy was sailing on, watching all that was taking place.  They quietly observed all that was taking place as the ship entered the harbor with New York’s huge skyline in distance.  Just like Teddy Roosevelt, it was very impressive to see.  The wife of this couple happened at that time to look over at her husband.  She wanted to gauge his perspective over all that was taking place.  She noticed that he had a somewhat sad look to his gaze.  When walking down the gangplank after all the reporters and Teddy Roosevelt were gone, the lonely couple noticed that there was no one at the pier to greet them.  They then quietly started toward their destination all while listening to the loneliness of the washing waters against the shoreline.  At that point the wife stopped the husband and looked into his eyes, “What is wrong my husband?”  He looked into the distance with saddened eyes that now were old, while his face reflected all the years of his service to mankind.  “I am downhearted because as you can see, there is no one to greet us.  We have been missionaries all our lives in Africa serving to help mankind.  I look at our president receiving all this fanfare for being over there for only a short time, and yet look, we do not have even one person here to greet us.  There is no one here saying to us, ‘Well done, thank you for all your years of service.’”  The wife holds her husband’s hands, looks into his eyes with a smile.  “My husband, that is because we are not home yet!”

Will and Eric
Though perhaps your acts of love and kindness may never gain the recognition of the public’s eye, one person is watching you with loving eyes.  He will one day say to you as you enter his kingdom, “Well done my good and faithful servant!”   (Mathew 25:23)

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