Thought For Today

I am so glad that you have found this site and I hope you will find encouragement and joy as you read through my thoughts on God, family and life.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hunted and Downcast


Yesterday our family saw about 18 wild turkeys running for their lives near the edge of the forest.  A coyote was chasing them and trying to make at least one of them his lunch.  Fortunately for the turkeys, he was not successful.  They flew into the trees and waited for about one half hour before lighting back to the ground again.  No sooner when reaching their food, a couple of deer ran right into the flock of feeding turkeys; the deer were running for their lives, heading deeper into the forest.  It appears that the coyote, and perhaps his pack, were now hunting larger game.  This time of year (I call it the starving time) the deer are in a vulnerable position, that of being prey for predatory animals such as the wolf and coyote.  They are weak and cannot move very quickly over any length of distance.  When being chased, the weak in the group soon tire and are separated from the herd; this makes them easy prey for a hungry pack of coyotes.  Heavy snow covers the ground this time of the year and the deer’s food source is too deep for them to dig free enough to eat. 

In spite of seeing this struggle for life taking place in our meadow, it was a wondrous sight watching the wildlife at our doorstep.  In retrospect, as I looked out at the scenes unfolding before me in the animals struggle for life, I now think of how similar it is for us at times.  We rush to and fro trying sometimes desperately to scratch a living for our families and ourselves, only to find that some predator in our field of work has caused us great harm.  We get discouraged and feel like chucking it all in.  “What am I doing, trying my best when someone who does not deserve the rewards heaped on them, is getting what we worked so hard to earn?” 

Flight to safety.
The other day I was discouraged over the heavy financial burden we faced this year.  I became down trodden thinking about how much we paid in taxes, as well as the amount left to pay.  Anne arrived home and sat down next to me and she noticed I was down.  After I shared with her the reasons for me being unhappy, she looked at me and smiled.  “Augie, I felt as you do now, but then I started thinking about how God has blessed us with healthy children, a wonderful home and steady employment.  I realized that he is taking care of us and he still will tomorrow and the day after.”  This made me take stock over how God has indeed blessed us with so much, and how he will the next day and all the days that follow.  My eyes then went from looking at the ground, to praising God quietly in my heart. 

In Mathew 6:25, Jesus talks with his disciples about the need to not worry about anything.  He goes on to tell his disciples that God will take of each one of you.  He uses the analogy of sparrows of the field that do not plant or gather their crops.  He says that God even takes care of these little animals, and he will take care of each of them as well.  This reminds me that God is taking care of my family and myself.  I have nothing to worry about.  Just as I walk my son across a busy intersection by holding on to his hand, God does so with me.  My son is not watchful of danger because he knows that his daddy is looking out for him, and my son knows that I will not let anything happen to him.  Will doesn’t have to see his destination, only I have to.  He trusts me to get him there without having to panic or be filled with fear.  So it is with God, he holds our hand and helps us through our busy streets until we reach the other side.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blind Men

Peaceful Waters (Lake Winona)

Blind Men

I was reading this morning in John 9 about the blind man who was born without sight, and his encounter with Jesus.  His disciples asked Jesus during this meeting if this man’s sins had caused his blindness.  They added to their question, “or was it because of his parents sin that this man was born blind?” Jesus responded by saying, neither he nor his parents have sinned which caused this blindness; he is blind so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. 

Light in the Darkness
Upon further reflection, I began to think about this question that the disciples posed to Jesus.  There could have been a variety of motives in their question.  Some perhaps assumed that God worked in the same way in every situation, sins = illness. Yet, perhaps for some that stood there, it was a desire for affirmation in that they were right all along, “He is blind due to sin!”  For others, it might have been an honest desire to know how this man became blind.  As to their thinking, I cannot be sure.  For whatever their reasoning in asking Jesus, he was very patient with his followers, as he is with us. 

At times, our motives are clouded in our desire to know why things are the way they are; while at other times we ask with selfish motives knowing in our hearts that what we ask is wrong.  God though is patient with us in all that we inquire of him.  During our still moments, he invites us to look at our reasoning, and our motives.  At times, we feel convicted by our self-centered behavior.  God knows though, the right occasion in allowing us to be in the correct place for him to gently confront us with the truth. 

Finding Our Way
A counselor when meeting a client might understand their patient’s problem after the first sitting, but they know enough in that their own realization is only half the puzzle in helping their patient.  The next step is to slowly help them see for themselves, the way to enlightenment and self-discovery.  Jesus, as well, patiently waits for us to come to ourselves, to drop our facades and to be real with him.  At that point, our Lord can and does help us to find our way.  That is, to see through our blindness with aid of his enlightenment.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

End of the World: Seeking answers from God's word.

Let me start out by saying that I am not going to get into the scriptures dealing with the Tribulation, it is very complex and will take a very lengthy study in looking at all the various aspects of what God’s word says about this subject.  I would encourage you to get involved in a Bible study that covers this topic though.  It is very exciting, and a little frightening at times, as well as being very revealing of how God and Satan will work during these final moments in time.

First of all in God’s word, the Bible, it does not say when the end of the world will come. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 that many people will appear and say that they are the Christ, but Jesus tells his disciples that when the last day arrives for the Earth, he will come like lightning across the sky, everyone will see him at once. 

Now what about the times before the tribulation comes about, before Jesus arrives and the end of the world occurs?  Jesus tells his disciples that the world’s birth pains near the end will be full of famines, earthquakes, and wars and rumors of wars.  Some today are saying that it is now happening, that we are entering the end times.  Many are even looking at such things such as the Mayan calendar and saying that this year in 2012, we are going to experience this, the last year of life on earth.  Is this to be the case?  Let’s look at what the Bible has to say. 

What does God’s word tell us about the last day, will we know about when that day will arrive? Again in Mathew 24:36 Jesus tells his disciples that even God’s angels in heaven do not know when the last day will be.  Jesus goes on to say that not even he, God’s son, will be privileged with the knowledge of when the last day is going to happen.  Jesus says that only God knows when that day will arrive. 

So then, are we to prepare for the tribulation that precedes the end of the world?  That is a complicated question in that since we do not know when the last day on earth will be, we are also not given the knowledge of how much time we have to prepare for those cataclysmic events, that bring about the final day of our earth.  Different Christian faiths have various beliefs as to whether we as Christians will even be in the tribulation that precedes the last day. 

Some Christians interpret the Bible to mean that Jesus will rapture us before all these horrible things take place in the tribulation, while other Christians believe we will indeed go through it.  In spite the different positions taken on this topic, scriptures do tell us that there will be Christians living during the tribulation. Whether these are Christians who accept Christ before or during the Tribulation is left up to speculation.  (Rev. 13:7&10; 14:12 & 20:4-5) So if we are not going through the tribulation, do we still have an obligation to be prepared?  Jesus tells his disciples that we must be prepared as recorded in Mathew: 24:42-51.  His statements to his disciples are very sobering and right to the point; we must be made ready, but then in what ways are we to be prepared?  Do we go out and buy weapons, food, save silver and gold, or that of building fences around our homes?  In what way does God want us to be ready for these times? 

In Matt 24:4 Jesus tells us to be aware and watchful of these things: In versus 4 through 8 of Mathew 24, Jesus warns us to be on the watch for false prophets, wars and rumors of wars, nations rising up against nation, kingdoms against kingdoms, as welling saying there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  These are the beginnings of the end, or birth pains.  So Jesus wants us to be watchful or observant of these things that will take place.  What else does the Bible say about preparedness? 

In the Old Testament, God was very specific in what he wanted his children to do during times of crisis.  He did not give generalities; God was very detailed in his directions in what he wanted his people to do.  God warned Noah about the upcoming flood and specifically what he wanted of Noah by him building a large boat for his family, and to bring in sets of 2 of every animal to his boat, as recorded in Genesis chapter 6.  God also warned the Pharaoh of Egypt through Joseph, a man of God who was given the gift of dream interpretations.  This led Joseph into explaining the king’s dreams.  Joseph informed the Pharaoh of what he must do to save his people as recorded in Genesis 41:30-31.  God also warned Lot and his family that they must leave Sodom and Gomorrah right away, this was due to the cities being destroyed by God for their wickedness as recorded in Genesis 19:14.   In Genesis 41:30-31 God warned the Israelites (Exodus 12:23) living under Egyptian slavery that the angel of death would come and take every first born that did not have lambs blood sprinkled about the doorway to their homes.  God also warned the people of Nineveh through the prophet Jonah, of God’s coming destruction if they did not repent and turn away from their wicked ways. Because Jonah listened and obeyed God’s leading by telling the Ninevites what God wanted of them, the people of Nineveh repented and averted God’s judgment.  (Jonah 3:4-5) 
In all these instances, God spoke to his people in what they must do to be in his will.  God revealed to them his desires because these individuals were praying and listening to his voice.  They spent time reading his word to better understand God’s will for themselves and his people.  God might choose to do something totally different for your Christian neighbor than for yourself and your family.  There is no formula for how God works, only that we must be listening to him, reading his word and asking God what he wants us to do, to be prepared for any eventuality in our lives. During perilous times such as these that we live in today, it is so important to seek God out and listen to what he has for you.  When you do this, it does not matter what is happening all around you, that is, if you are carrying out God’s plan for your life.  The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4 “Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Paul had learned that in all circumstances, with prayer and petition and praise to God for everything that we have and are going through, all of these things have a purpose in his plan for us.  We are not dependent on the world; God will provide, direct and lead us in all areas of our lives, if our eyes are focused on him.  He does not ask us to be blind to what is happening in the world, but he does ask that we be not overcome by it.  Know where your peace and life come from, and all that is around you will fade into insignificance when you are in God’s presence.  Remember this, Jesus has overcome the world.  (John 16:33)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The End of the World

Today I was reading about a group of people called the “Preppers” who are getting ready for the end of the world when it collapses.  They go to training missions on weekends that teach them how to prepare for survival.  Notice I did not say, if the world collapses, but when the world collapses.  They believe that the end of the world is right around the corner, that is, when our economies fall apart.  They also believe that by being survivalists, they will be the only ones prepared to live in a world that does not provide for them.  They stock food in spare bedrooms, and I imagine go through the whole gammit of defending their possesions, to that of hiding their valued items from the public eye.  Is this prudent to do so in today’s political and social climate?  Well, it seems that the signs of the times are pointing to many economies on the brink of failure.  The Euro is anything but stable today, while the dollar is not much better off.  The Chinese economy is showing signs of weakness, while the other major economies such as Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Greece are on the verge of total economic collapse. 

So where does this lead us in being prudent in preparing for a possible world breakdown?  Do we hoard our food, belongings, and money, or do we seek other avenues?  In the end times, will it be necessary to protect our belongings with force?  Will it come to the point of shootouts in seeking to guard our families and belongings?  Some believe that is what it will take in order to safe guard all that we have.  One possible scenario shows grocery markets stripped empty and no food is to be found.  Something to ponder, think of what grocery stores are like when an approaching storm is about to arrive. People rush into the stores and stock up.  Will there be individuals who are willing to take people's possesions by force, that is if they get hungry enough when stores offer no more food?  Will violence then be what is left for mankind in preserving ourselves?  The Bible talks about what we as Christians are to do during these times.  It also refers to a non-violent path in which we as believers are to follow.

In times of hardship, cultures try to safeguard themselves from the worst pitfalls, but eventually sacrifices are made, starting with the lowest economic strata of society.  This is where the earliest signs of economic devastations occur.  People who are working in factories or low level positions will suffer the most when companies cut back, that is when the number of laborers that have the least amount of education and are the most expendible are let go.   Violence is first evident at this level of society because they are facing the greatest economic hardships first.  When society shows no signs of getting better, companies will start laying off middle level workers as well.  Eventually when there is no one to buy the product that the company is producing, the whole company then goes under.  Now multiply this on a national scale, mass unemployment then results with devastating effects throughout the economy.  Violence is rampant, tempers are flaring and people get desperate in providing for their families and themselves.  Today we are seeing this in the Middle East.  Many of these people are just holding on even when the economy is experiencing normal growth. But when a country's economy begins to faulter, as it is doing in the Middle East, the poor are then faced with eminent starvation.  The end result is that of violence, rebellion and revolution.

Today we live in a global economy that is dependent on each other.  If you do not believe that, just look at the bottom of the products that you purchase from your stores today.  We cannot survive without other countries producing the goods that we need and want.  What will happen when almost every country collapses at the same time?  Can we then survive on our own?  What will happen to us as a people when this occurs?  What will we sacrifice in providing for our families, our homes and that of having a full stomach?

What does the Bible say about these occurences?  Will they happen?  How will people react if this does occur?  Are we to prepare for these times, and if so, how?  I will continue this in my next post.  

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Looking Ahead With Hope

How many times have you said to yourself, “I wished I could go back and do it all over again.”  During our lifetime we make many mistakes and some of them seem to knock on the door of our mind quite often.  What is the outcome for this dismal predicament?  

Apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Philippians (3:13-14,) “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it on my own.  But one thing I do:  forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Christ has forgiven your past sins and he has forgotten them. (Hebrews 8:12)  Paul made a conscious choice to look ahead in his future, with Christ, rather than to look back at his sinful past and be hampered by those sins.  A conscious choice!  You are not facing this decision alone; Jesus is there to help you look ahead to the future he has chosen for you. 

Today, ask Jesus to give you the strength and insight to see his plan for you, a plan that offers you hope and a future filled with Christ’s love.  Jeremiah 29:11 says, “ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jesus' World

Sometimes when life looks like an uphill climb, it is good to turn around and see how far you have come.  God did not promise us an easy life when we accepted his invitation to be his child.  He did though assure us that he would walk our path with us.  (Isaiah 30:21)

A child turns on a light when they become afraid, and their fear seems to vanish when they can once again see what is around them.  So too does our father enlighten us when we are frightened.  He said that he is the light of life and that we will never again walk in darkness.  (John 8:12)  Notice that Jesus said that he is the light of life and not the light of the world.  Life does not depend of earthly things to give us a truly fulfilling existence.  Jesus is our compass and our light; he opens our eyes to see the world as he does.  Walk with him today, and commit it into his hands.  Ask him to open your eyes to see his world that is all around you. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thought for the Day "Letting Go"

My son Will.
Children grow up so fast.  How many times have you said this in your mind when looking at your child.  "It seems that only yesterday you were a child in my arms and now you have a little one of your own."

Children grow up in a process of the parent letting go little by little, until they begin again what you started.  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

God is taking care of us.

Abby and cousin Eric sliding together.

Yesterday I spent about 6 hours on the road.  I went to my hometown of Jackson to visit my family, and then traveled back again last night.  While the roads were good on the way over, they deteriorated considerably on the way back to Winona.  Because of many prayers, I made it home in spite of the accidents that I saw occurring on the way home.  In retrospect, in looking back at my trip, I could see God’s hand over me when driving on the icy roads. 

Abby, Eric and Eric's daddy, Brandon.
Today I blew the driveways out due to the 6 inches of snowfall on the ground.  Since then we have accumulated about 2 more inches.  Aside from the one time in December that we had snow, this is the most significant amount of snowfall all winter. 

When I finished blowing the driveway late in the morning, the kids and I went sliding.  As it turns out, Will and Abby really miss the winter snow.  Getting back to my entry, (I went outside to slide with the kids again,) children find that making the most of each moment is natural to them.  It was their playing in the snow that lured me back outside again.  As I now glance up and look out through the windows and see my children playing, I am reminded that one's perspective is so important in how we look at different occurrences in our lives.  Unlike us adults when roadblocks occur, children on the other hand naturally react much of the time with, “This is going to be fun!”  We on the other hand weigh all the possible negative outcomes against the potential positive possibilities, and then we make careful decisions one way or the other.  In some cases, this is the wise thing to do, since we as adults must be responsible to follow through with our decisions even when the path gets rough later on.  The difficulty at times is in knowing when to let go of that path when it causes us much dismay, as well as the potential of making it difficult for others in our immediate vicinity. 

As I said before, children have a natural propensity to look into the future with such a positive outlook, and so when following their dreams, they often turn out well.  As adults when falling down, sometimes we have a difficult time in getting up, and for that matter, seeing the way up as a positive step.  Life during these instances sometimes becomes difficult in seeing through the veil of heartaches.  But, there is hope!

If I run fast enough and then jump on. . .
When David looked to God’s council, God responds in Psalms 32 7&8 with hope.  “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.  ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.’”  One notices that God does not say, I will instruct you and teach you in the way(s) you should go.  Here God says that there is only one way, not many.  God has a plan for you when times are difficult, as well as when they are good. 

Paul writes in Philippians 4:11-12  . . . “for I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”  Paul has found his peace not out of external situations or that of blind faith as one choosing to walk in the darkness without a light.  He knew that whatever came his way, there was a reason.  God took care of Paul and he will take care of us also.  God loves you and he will not leave you during these struggles that you may be going through.  2nd Corinthians 5:7 says that we walk by faith and not by sight.  Just as when I take little Abby’s hand when crossing the street, she might not know of the dangers that I am trying to keep her from, God also has our hand.  A child trusts his or her parents in that knowing the answers is not always important to them, just knowing that a loving father or mother is watching over them is enough.  We too must trust that God is holding our hand when difficult times come, and no answers are apparent. 

Will helping uncle Brandon dust off his car.
Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Know that God is with you today and he knows your heart.  He is taking care of you right now, even when it isn’t possible to see visible signs of his presence.  He is with you, by your side, and he is holding your hand.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Friendships Formed Out of Hatred

Will and my gentle hearted friend Gerry golfing together.

In reading Luke 23 this morning I ran across the verse (v. 12) where Herod and Pilot became friends on the day that Pilot sent Jesus to Herod to be judged by him.  Pilot, a Roman leader assigned to rule around the area of Jerusalem found that it was a very volatile political climate when first taking office in Judea.  Anyone in Rome taking this job knew that it was not considered a plum assignment.  The Jews were bitterly upset that Rome was telling them what to do by running every aspect of their lives.  The soldiers of Rome bore much of the brunt of insults hurled at them for enforcing the edicts of Rome.  On the other hand, the Jews wanted to be self-ruled and wanted little to do with their oppressors.  Herod Antipas, who had been given an area to rule in the north around Galilee, by Rome, was also in a place that put him in bad stead with the Jews in his territory.  He seemed to antagonize the Jews in one-way or the other.  For instance, one of his building projects was constructed over a Jewish cemetery, which did not add to his popularity among his subjects.  Needless to say Herod’s life was very colorful with intrigue and subterfuge for most of his rule.

Scandinavian church from the Middle Ages Era
As I alluded to earlier, history records that Herod and Pilot were not friends in their respective neighboring areas of rule.  The one thing that the Bible records as earlier stated, was that it was the incident of Pilot sending Jesus to Herod for his ruling on Jesus’ innocence or guilt that made them friends.   Since Jesus was living within Herod’s domain, Pilot felt that Herod could make the decision for Jesus’ innocence or guilt.  Pilot technically though could have been guilty of breaking Roman law by giving Jesus over to Herod; this was due to the fact that Jesus could only be convicted in the territory of his birth, and not the area where he was preaching in.  In either case, Jesus ended up being sent back by Herod to Pilot for trial.  This move could have been interpreted by Pilot as a sign of support for his earlier decision that Jesus was indeed not guilty of the crimes the Jewish authorities placed on him.  In either case though, a friendship was established between these two rulers over a mutual dislike for the Jewish citizens, and the person that was causing so much discord among the people, Jesus.

How many times have you heard two people talking badly about a third person?  You are puzzled because, before their discussion with each other, they were enemies one to another.  You now realize that their friendship is based on a mutual hatred for this third party.  In the end, one can foresee this newfound relationship between the two former enemies will follow the way of mistrust and hatred for each other.  One person once said to me, “Augie, if your friend speaks about others of whom you know, in such a bad way, why will he not talk critically about you to others when you are not present?”  After much thought, I realized that he was right.  This person could not be trusted, and so I needed to be guarded around him and not share anything of confidence with this man. 

Visitor to our feeder.
There is an old story about the snake and the frog.  The frog wanted to get across the river, but could not because of the strong river current.  A snake came along and said that he would carry the frog across.  The frog was obviously hesitant about the prospect of the snake actually coming through with his promise.  After much conversation, the frog was convinced that the snake had genuinely wanted take the frog safely across the river, and so he hopped on to the snake’s back.  Half way across the river the snake turned around and bit the frog.  As the frog felt his life ebbing away, he realized that he had placed his trust in the wrong individual.   All the snake did was to shrug and say, “I cannot change who I am.”  Counselors tell their patients that the only person they can change is oneself, no one else.  If we are around those that talk badly about others, then perhaps it is time to change friends.  

Luke 6:31 states that we should treat others, as we would like to be treated.  If our friends are talking badly of others, then perhaps we should re-evaluate our friendships with them.  In the end of Herod’s life, he realized how broken it was, he was left dejected with no friends to support him.  Herod’s life was based on hatred, suspicion, and envy. 

Visitor to our meadow.
If we look at our friends, can we see our reflection?  Are they kind, loving, forgiving of others, or are they selfish, envious, full of hatred, and do they talk to others behind their friend's backs?  One person once said, you can tell a person by the friends that they keep.  Who are your friends?

Jesus can and will help us to change, if our heart desires to do his will and become more like him.  Christ gives us strength when we find none, and he can help us to change into the individual we were created to be. 

2nd Corth. 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
Rev. 3:20  “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”  Christ was addressing Christians in Revelation 3:20.  He wants to be apart of our life if we invite him in.  Pray for those in need of Jesus, and ask him to change your life if you find yourself in the position of sharing too much with others about your friends.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Child's Faith

Grandma Marji and Abby with Mommy in the background.

Positive outlook is seeing the good even when disaster or difficulty make a visit to your doorstep. 

A couple of days ago Anne and Will were having a discussion about the flu virus Will contracted.  Anne was telling Will that she was so sorry that he was so sick.  Will responded by saying, “Don’t worry Mommy, I have got to watch programs on the computer with Daddy and everyone is bringing me drinks and pretty much whatever I have want.  I am doing great!”  Will chose to see the rainbow through the storm, unlike many of us, we see the clouds and rain instead.  God amazes me how he teaches me through such unexpected sources.  Here we have an 8 year old with the shakes, running nose, alternating fever and just down right tired, telling his mommy that he is ok and doing fine.  That amazes me how he can have such a bright outlook.
"I am the true vine, in me you will never thirst!" Jesus

Yesterday Abby was watching the cartoon (Curious George) with Will in our bedroom.  Since Will was sick, we let him eat supper in our bed, and so he could relax and sleep if he so desired.  Grandma and Grandpa were joining us for supper at that time.  While serving the plates and silverware on the table, I overheard Grandma whisper to Grandpa, “Do you hear them praying in the next room?”  I glanced over my shoulder while heading back to the kitchen and I could see both were smiling.  I then stopped and noticed that Will and Abby had put the computer on hold to say a prayer before eating.  They both were being a blessing to their grandparents without their knowledge. 

Will and Grandpa John
Both children have developed such a trust in Jesus that it makes me step back at times and ponder their faith.  God has been teaching me about their simple faith, and I am in awe at how they approach Jesus in prayer.  It is like breathing to them; they don’t think in depth about any lofty prayers, they just say what is on their minds at the time.  I am learning from my children in so many ways, and in prayer, Jesus is choosing to teach me through a child’s heart.