Thought For Today

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Taking Time to be Children

 Stream in the Smoky Mountains (To enlarge click on photo).
Today I find myself in the mountains of Tennessee looking out the window and seeing a mountain stream flowing past our deck.  It is heading towards someplace unknown to me, but not to itself.  As I watch the churning currents, I look at only the surface, but what is not seen is the life underneath the teaming waters.  I can only imagine that trout are laying their eggs in preparation for another generation to be born, who will look at life for the first time with excitement and joy.   Meanwhile, the frogs and tadpoles are waiting for the insects to fly by and provide a ready meal to satisfy their appetites.  

Abby playing with other children 
We are told that today will bring the beginnings of spring rains to the area.  As I look out past our deck, I notice that the robins are using this time to prepare their nests, and they are seeking out worms that will nourish their bodies after traveling so far in seeking out their homes here once again.  Life here is teaming all around me.  Too many times though we get so busy with accomplishing our tasks before us that we do not take time to enjoy what surrounds us.  It makes me think, not to long ago I had not taken the time to notice ants crawling to and fro, until my little daughter taught me this once again.  Those of you that have little children and grandchildren know what I am talking about.  These little ones teach us to not to take the simple and obvious for granted, they notice what we pass up.  These little people also put more value on the simple things that we have perhaps forgotten about. 

Abby running in the meadow
I recall a scene in the Bible where the children are being pushed aside by the adults to make way for ‘more important things,’ events and discussions that adults wanted to speak with Jesus about.   He said that it was not good that they put so little worth on the children.  Jesus stopped his conversion with his meaningful followers and taught them to take time to listen to these little ones because heaven was made up with those that were “like” these children.  Too many times we take for granted that the words of children have less value than those of adults, but in Christ’s eyes, they do not.  He said not to hinder these little ones, nor to hurt them for God is watching over them. 

William and Abby in Williamsburg
William Wilberforce a respected member of parliament in England in the late 18th century helped his peers see the value of children.  During this time period, children were not considered to be on equal footings with adults and were not to be in their presence unless called for.  When this moment took place, they were only to portray adult mannerisms that were acceptable to the adults in their presence.   I recall reading that during a very important meeting with his peers, Wilberforce saw his children playing out on the grass by his office window.  He stopped the meeting momentarily and ran out and played with his children.  Much to the aghast of his peers, he became a child once again, running about and having a wonderful time.  He helped England to see children through the eyes of innocence once again. 

Abby and Anne learning to make a mask 
When Adam and Eve were in the garden, they acted in many ways like our children do today, uninhibited and joyful in their ways, and I imagine that this made God very happy to walk with them.  We have lost much of that along the way and forfeited it with what we call more important things of life.  Jesus tells us not to worry about what we will eat or wear.  He points out that God provides for even the lilies of the field.  Jesus will take care of the worries of the day if we just take time to offer them to Him in prayer.  He will guide us through our difficult decisions that we need to make, and give us time to be children once again.  Have a wonderful day with the children around you!  Augie  

p.s.  Feel free to forward any message to a friend or family member.  Augie

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